The Long Ride Home...

It's been a long ride, a strange trip along a path of dead bones and lucid dreams.

 Standing firm on the vast reality of life's lurid illusion we grasp the nothing before us when what we thought was truth melts beneath our hopes.

 The Lord created this world for the purpose of Choice, a purpose of deciding whether we prefer His Eternity on the strength of rock, or this finite illusion in the weakness of sand.

 Many spiritual ills infected my life in this deception, this illusion.

 Temptations beyond measure emptied my soul to a crowded wasteland.

 The illusion caught me well: thrilled me, pleased me, filled me and teased me, all the while hiding its lies.

 Satan wants us to enjoy the long ride and to look back at the journey as if the value of life was behind us and the meaning of life was in travel.

 Satan offers a golden ring, one that is seen and will last the length of breathing.

 The ring of this illusion lies with its visibility, causing many to value that which can't be kept.

 But, though The Lord asks us to believe in that which can't be seen, He promises a ring that can't be stolen,
won't rust nor fade and will last eternally.

 Some say it's foolish to reach for the unseen, but I question the wisdom of those who reach for that which they can't keep.

 What is the value of the sum  of Time and Space and Matter when its purpose is shrouded in a lie just this side of the end of its own road?

 What is the value of life when its purpose is bedded in its unguarranteed length?

 It's been a long ride... through the values and tumoils and PAINS...

In the end we will find our way HOME.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ekemnimi... with love from P.E.T


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