10 Steps To reaching E.E.T Status (Empowered Evangelical Team) - Part 2

From the last article on this topic, we found out that there isn't any thing new in the challenges that are being faced by Team leaders when it comes to actually managing an evangelical team. however, some of this issues are posed by the leaders in ability to cast a vision, ask for help when necessary and lastly identify the genius of the group.
No leader is isolated in this context as this applies to all irrespective on who, where you are leading.
today, we will continue into the issues discussed in PART 1 and try to see if there new tips needed for the leaders to actually attain their E.E.T Status (Empowered Evangelical Team)...

Delegate others to complete parts -

No single person has the time, energy or talent to make things happen alone.  Breaking the work down into parts and then asking others to complete that part makes the work much easier to accomplish.
It also gives team members the opportunity to take part in team projects or events.  If your group has never gone on location to shoot a movie, it will be seen as big success when it achieves the movie shooting success and those who played a part in making that happen, will see the success a huge reward!
When you delegate parts to create a win, it causes others to feel like they are needed and appreciated.  This in turn will cause your team to want to do something greater the next time your vision is cast.

Allow for mistakes and guide the process -

People are going to make mistakes this makes them human but when ever this happens, as the team leader, correct them by stopping them from doing more mistakes and guiding them back on track.
Without making them feel unwanted or showing your superior knowledge by taking ownership of the process, ask them some questions and allow them to answer in order to get them back on track and in the direction they need to be going.
By the way, just because it's not the way you would do it, does not mean it is being done wrong.  Let them find their way...

Ask questions -

This is fun.  Most people are so used to someone telling them what to do that they become used to not contributing at all towards a project discussion and planing. They prefer standing around and allow others to do the talking even though they have something important enough to contribute but after the meeting they tell you that they had something to say but where not sure whether to say it or not.
It is the job of the team leader to see how he can carry such team members along and this can only be done when we encourage them by telling them how liberating it is to share an idea and how this will help enable them to feel appreciated and needed.
If you will lead a meeting by only asking questions (Instead of doing all the talking.) you will enable your team to show you their genius.  This means that you are going to have to be willing to let them do 95% of the talking.


One crucial message Jesus wanted his disciples to grasp is that in God’s kingdom leaders are servants.
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” – Mark 10:45 (NIV)
At P.E.T Group, as God’s followers, we aspire to be more like our Savior, Jesus Christ, in who we are and what we do by taking into our MINDS and BODIES the teachings of "Servant leadership" which requires us to surrender our will for God’s will. It requires confession and seeking God’s power to transform us with His servant heart.


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